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- (2021/1/3)IJCLCLP has been indexed in THCI Tier 2 (2021~2023)
On December 31, 2020, the International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (IJCLCLP) has been
included in the list of THCI Tier 2 by the Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology (see http://www.hss.ntu.edu.tw/news_d.aspx?no=5&d=886 for details).
This means that the papers published by IJCLCLP will be more well recognized by the authors' institutes with official credits,
some even with reimbursement. (Although this is not fair to those worth-reading papers published in some low-profile journals, like IJCLCLP before.)
In any cases, this is a good time to submit your papers to IJCLCLP to share your work with the right people who care it and earn what you deserve.
Potential authors can now submit their work to IJCLCLP via an online submission system at https://ijclclp.aclclp.org.tw/servlet/SignInHandler.
IJCLCLP is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal with articles and themes that explore the many facets of computational linguistics and Chinese speech and language processing.
The journal draws its authors, reviewers, and readers from around the world. More information about the journal is available at /journal/index.php.
- (2019/11/15)Online Submission
International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing(IJCLCLP) is now adopting an online submission system to assist both the authors
and reviewers with the review process.
Before using the system, users are required to register as an author. With the user account, users can submit papers, review articles when asked,
and monitor the whole submission and reviewing process at any time.
Any users intended for paper submission or reviewing are all welcomed. The online submission system is at https://ijclclp.aclclp.org.tw/servlet/SignInHandler.
- (2010/3/15)IJCLCLP has been included in the ACL Anthology
Thanks to the effort of former ACLCLP President, Prof. Hsin-Hsi Chen, and ACL
Anthology Editor, Prof. Min-Yen Kan, the papers published by the IJCLCLP
journal and the annual ROCLING conference of ACLCLP have now been listed in
the ACL Anthology, a digital archive of research papers in computational
linguistics. The ACL Anthology (http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/) currently
hosts over 17,600 papers and is the most complete archive in this field. With
a single search interface powered by Google, the papers (in Chinese or
English) from IJCLCLP and ROCLING can now be accessed with other related
papers in the broad field of computational linguistics, a valuable benefit to
both the readers and authors.
This archive hosts the IJCLCLP papers from 1996 to 2009 and ROCLING
proceedings from 1988 to 2009, a total of more than 600 papers highly related
to Chinese language and speech processing. This collection will be updated
regularly in the ACL Anthology, once new papers have been published by the
journal and the conference.
Currently, ROCLING and the IJCLCLP journal are listed together on the same
page. This will be changing in a few months when the new ACL Anthology
interface is in place.
- (2009/2/10)IJCLCLP has been included in Linguistics Abstracts
Linguistics Abstracts Online is a high quality abstracts database containing over 50,000 abstracts from over 600 leading linguistics journals. The search engine allows searching using any combination of journal or abstract title, sub-discipline, volume, issue, author or key word plus "title in translation",
date of publication as well as perform "special character" searches. For more informaton, please visit the system web at http://www.linguisticsabstracts.com